Hyun Yoh


Bullet Journal - Blue Kitsune

This little project of mine took me a few days to complete. I made it for a friend of mine who'd gotten interested in something called bullet journaling, something which I am doing also, so I offered to make her a personalized Bullet Journal book.
The "board" used are two small canvases, and they have been clad in a thicker blue paper. I printed out the image of the fox from the internet and cut out the shape to make a template, I did the same thing with the Q (but that was just a letter printed out from a document), and then I just filled in the blank spaces with black paint.
Once I was done with the paint job, and I had removed the template, I realized that some of the tape had pulled away a bit of the paper, and after some thinking, I figured that I could just paint over it. So I started out by writing the name, and the I went on to pain clouds near the name which then spread up the paper and then back down again. After that was done I thought that maybe the backside was a little blank and thus I printed out the Q and cut out a template. However, not long after that had also been painted I realized that I had painted it on the wrong side and it was on the side where the holes were going to go. My friend came with the idea to add "Mr." in front of it, and at first I had wanted to print out yet another template, but I just couldn't be bothered to cut it out, so I just went free-hand on that instead.
Together, my friend and I had chosen the light blue thread to use for the binding, since it would fit the book the best.
Like I mentioned earlier, this took a few days to make, and I made it in steps. First I wrapped the canvases and painted them, then I printed out the pages for the book, after this I made the holes for the book and covers. This was done in one day and then I left the trimming of the pages and the actual binding for the next day. In the end I used up a few metres of thread, I think almost 6 or 7 metres, but I don't really know.
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